Dance Connection

Teacher Training Programme
Dance, Move, Connect

Would you like to share the Dance Connection system professionally?
The teacher training programme comprises of home learning units and in-house weekends. It is designed for you to learn the theoretical background of this system, its methodology, music, and practice.
The training is preceded by attendance of the Dance Journey Weekends, (6 to 10) depending on whether you have access to local classes or not. In-person experience of 100 hours.
You will complete in-house, teaching practice and receive structured guidance, support, and methodological parameters to be an adaptable Dance Connection Facilitator.

Educational Methodology:
Education for Movement
Education for Wellbeing
Education for the Language of Connection
Education for Musicality
Education for Expression
Learning is experiential and holistic - bringing self-awareness of the way our body moves and expresses; and awareness of how this connects, communicates and contributes to our own and others wellbeing.
Teacher Training Programme

Each learning unit is designed to be comprised of underpinning & applied theory, dance, discussion and sharing, as fitted to the theme. Completing tasks and homework for each module is a requirement for final certification.
All weekends of the teacher training programme must be attended. Individual Teaching Programmes may be possible.
A Breakdown of the Weekends:
Weekend 1: Module 1 & 2
Module 1: Becoming a Teacher, an introduction
The Purpose, Principles and Aims of Dance Connection.
A Brief History of Dance.
The Language of Dance Connection.
Reflection of your own dance journey as basis for becoming an embodied teacher.
Module 2: Dance & Movement - Physiology and Categorisation of Movement
The Physiology of Movement
Laban's 8 Efforts.
Laban's Categorisation of Movement.
Observation exercises.
Self-reflection on your own dance and movement.
Weekend 2: Module 3 & 4
Module 3: A Focus on Movement Education
Psychology of Movement.
Dance Language and Non-verbal Communication.
Education not Therapy - the language and approach.
Body-Mind Intelligence - actualisation of potential.
Module 4: Music
The Power of Music - the effects: emotive capacity.
Music - physical stimulus, rhythm and melody.
Musical Semantics.
Understanding and Identifying Genres.
World Music.
Exploring Music
Weekend 3 - Module 5
Module 5: The Session, The Pathway
The Educational methodology of Dance Connection.
Understanding the session : components.
Understanding the session: dances & movement exploration.
Understanding marriage of music and dances
Begin studying the dances and movement handout.
Exploring the pathways - understanding how they work
Dance & Movement practical exercises
Practising introducing dances
Weekend 4 - Module 6
Module 6 - Revision of Dances & Practicals of How to Teach
Professional Codes of Conduct.
How to adapt Dance Connection pathways using the resources.
Deepening your knowledge of the Dances and Movement Booklet.
Dance practice pathways - record and evaluate your experience.
Choose & Adapt a pathway for the next weekend.
Group Dynamics - Conflicts & Tensions
Student group collaboration: self-organised discussion & feedback - skill sharing.
Weekend 5 & 6 - Practice
Leading your Pathway for the Group (part or whole)
How to tailor a pathway for time and flexibility
Lead your pathway to the student group
Feedback from peers
Revising dances you are unsure of
Prepare a block of 6 pathways for a new class
One to one , feedback session with tutor
Student group collaboration: self-organised session.
Weekends 7 & 8: Teaching
Local or In-house Teacher Training Supervision session
Getting Ready - what will I need to teach?
Preparing to teach
Teach or participate in peer session and learn from each other
​Group feedback session with tutor
One to one , feedback session with tutor (at the weekend you teach)
Time to collaborate with peers
N.B Depending on your own time and effort outside the weekend, more training might be needed if you are not ready to teach by the end of weekend 8
Celebration & Certification Weekend
The Dance Connection Website.
Dance Connection Teacher annual membership.
Annual Continual Professional Development.
Where do you fit in the community ?
Dancing pathways together.
Feast & Ceremony of Completion and certification - Sunday lunch: friends and family welcome.
The teacher training must be completed within an 18 month period - all tasks and homework must be submitted within this time.
The celebration weekend will be arranged once everyone is at the same stage. If you have met the standards, you will be given an interim PDF certificate so that you can begin your weekly classes.
Continual Professional Development -
Extension Weekends & Day Workshops:
How to work with Dance Connection in Varied Contexts and Environments:
​ in schools, organisations, 1 to 1 sessions, dance breaks and on line. Explore example
dance pathways - reflect on effects and suitability for different contexts and participants.
Day Workshops
The Heroic Journey - how to lead this pathway.
Voice & Percussion - how to include this in your pathways and workshops.
Myths - how to lead this pathway.
Archetypes - how to lead this pathway & include in your pathways.
Dance & Nature - how to include this in your pathways and workshops.
Teachers Day
CPD is compulsory, within 24 months of qualifying. Connect with other Dance Connection teachers, skill share, introduction to new dances, support each other.
1 Teacher Day per year, compulsory.
All working qualified Dance Connection Teachers in the UK will be represented on the website and will be required to pay a nominal, annual membership fee.