Dance Connection

The Dance Movement Journey
Dance, Move, Connect
Dance, Move, Connect

For anyone wanting to deepen their Dance Connection Movement Practice. Dance and Music together can create resilience, self-awareness, broaden your life experience, and bring joy and fulfilment.
Dance Journey Weekends are stand alone or can be the pre-requisite for embarking on the teacher training programme.
A commitment is required to attend 6-10 of the Dance Journey Weekends, or if a local dancer to attend 100 hours of Dance Connection, before entering the Teacher Training programme. Some of the weekends are mandatory.
The Journey
The Purpose
To explore dance pathways that open gateways to fuller embodied experience through, music movement and connection.
Employing the principles of interdependency and interconnection we connect with dances of integration, nature, balance, and holism.
We work with self awareness through the language of music and movement to give the opportunity to realise our authentic connection, expression and communication.
The learning process is experiential - an exploration of movement vocabulary, expression, connection with yourself & the group; and exploring varied themes.
Sharing is based on the Circle Way and the principles of empathic communication and reflective listening are utilised in the weekends.
The Dance Pathway
The Dance Pathway is geared to help you partner your body and listen to its messages: learning to accompany your sensing system: the gut instinct or intuition; instincts for survival; bodily indicators; and emotional indicators.
The Dance Pathway is designed to balance the nervous system though gentle warm ups, more active dances, release movements, expressive dances, deceleration and stillness dances.
Exploration of Laban’s movement framework gives stimulus for exploration of movement, this movement vocabulary broadens movement expression.
The Programme
Theme 1: An Introduction to Dance Connection
Theme 2: How We Dance, How the Body Moves
Theme 3: Health and Wellbeing Through Movement and Dance
Theme 4: Expression Through Dance
Theme 5: HowOur Body Protects, Restores & Rebalances
Theme 6: Dancing the 4 Elements and Yin-Yang
Theme 7: How the Body-Mind Contributes to Dance & Movement
Theme 8: Celebrating Uniqueness & Authentic Movement
Theme 9: Dance & Nature
Theme 10 : Creative Expression - Dance, Voice and Percussion
Theme 11: Myths, Archetypes and the Heroic journey
Theme 12: Dance of the Numinous Ordinary - The Divine in Everyday Life
Theme 13: Building Resilience
Theme 14: Dance & Story
Themes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6,9 are mandatory to enter the teacher training.
The training is both non-residential and residential in Wessex, at present in Dorset.
For more information please email :
What is required of me?
A commitment to yourself and taking the dance journey is requested. If you want to access the teacher training units you need to complete 6 of the themes as a minimum (talk to Jewell about this).
Dance Journey
2020- 2023
The dance journey and teacher training is presently based in West Dorset, UK.
with Julia Hope Brightwell and visiting teachers.
If you are interested please email:
The Dance Journey is expected
to restart in 2025
Please include your experience in dance/movement, how you heard about Dance Connection and whether you want to just dance for your own pleasure or want to gain access to the teacher training,